Resident Spirits vs. Spirit Companions: Understanding the Energy in Your Home

As a spirit keeper, medium and witch of Eastern European lineage, I've long understood the subtle (and sometimes, not -so-subtle) distinctions between the spirits that inhabit our world. My granny Irina's teachings and guidance, my experiences as a child, as a medium while being active on the field as well as the wisdom gathered across the years through the wonderful guides in my Keep, are all factors that contributed to me being able to sit here today, enjoy a nice cup of tea, and write this blog post to share it with You. So stay tuned, and allow me to walk you through this September blog post in which I share insights into two key categories of Spirits that many often confuse: Resident Spirits and Spirit Companions.

Resident Spirits: Resident spirits are not just visitors or new-comers, I want you to understand this one thing; they are permanent dwellers of the space they inhabit. They have deep ties to the place, the house they're found in - they Already belong there. This is their home, their domain, and their energy is closely tied to it, and to them You are the guest, or the alien so to speak. So if you've just moved in, you've never adopted a Spirit Companion like a haunted doll or a haunted object and you have experienced strange phenomena Only while being at home - objects moving, knocking sounds, or an undeniable presence, it is likely that you came across what we call a Resident Spirit.

These spirits manifest quickly, consistently and I'd also say ''shamelessly'', usually as soon as you move in, and they do have strength to do it anyhow and anytime they please - because they don't need the time to bond with you or the place. They are already a part of their space, and their space is a part of them and this connection allows for powerful interactions. These souls can be magnificent spirits, or they can be the greatest of j***s, it all depends on the spirit and their individual background stories, really. I have spoke more in-depth about these particular entities in my previous, August blog post, and should you want to know more, you may go ahead and read it here .

Spirit Companions: Slow-Bonding, Gentle Energies

Spirit companions, on the other hand, are not tied to any particular home or person when they first arrive. They are brought or invited by you, either through adoptions, spiritual works, or sometimes even by accident. Regardless of the way they came into your life, and unlike Resident Spirits, these souls need time to adjust and bond with both you and your space. These spirits are often more gentle in their manifestations, especially in the beginning, though they'll get stronger and more obvious as their connection with both you and your place, deepens. How long this would take, no one knows as there are many factors involved here. One main factor can be out of Respect for you, your family members and even your pets, or other spirits -and most times, this respect can include the Resident spirits you may have in your home, whether you know it or not. Other factors can be their general state of being, characters and individual background, including their strength which comes from the time they've been dead for, and abilities channeled from their realms if they're not human but say, Elemental in nature.
Thus, the process is slower, more intimate to accommodate you and your family, and their own personal beliefs and needs. You also need to be aware that with Spirit Companions you are actually creating New Bonds, rather than reinforcing old ones. These spirits were not and are not related to you by Blood or Friendship, they are not spirits of your lost loved ones, thus just as a new friend or family member, you need to build a relationship with them. As a fellow spirit keeper I came across dozens of people expecting to get the New Annabelle, as soon as they have adopted a haunted vessel, and not necessarily from my stores. I've actually witnessed this before I have ever began re-homing some of my spirits! I am pretty sure this happens due to the lack of information, understanding and proper guidance, Hollywood enthusiasm and last but not least, people's lack of true openness-which I found rather sad to say the least, for both Spirit and the Keeper. I want you to understand this, without openness, that strong will to understand, respect and accept Spirit, you aren't going to get far in your Keeping journey. Not due to the Spirit's lack of will to bond but due to your very own inflexible convictions. When it comes to Spirit Keeping, you have to begin with the Beginning, without carrying any expectations based on what you Think it should happen due to popular belief, movies or any other forms of ''prior knowledge''. You have to forget all you think you know in order to allow yourself to experience the bliss of Spirit Keeping, as many of us keepers do. And while spirit companions may not make their presence known as quickly or dramatically as Resident Spirits, their companionship and support throughout your life will become invaluable, just as your bond and relationship over time.

Why This Matters To You:

 Look, I am not here to convince you to believe in this, in me, or my experiences. I do not know You personally, so what you think does not affect my life or me personally.
I am also not here for ulterior motives, spreading inaccurate information for the sake of ratings or fame. My reviews gathered over time on Etsy platform as a trusted seller, the amounts of genuine friendships I have gained over time while in and outside of this platform thanks to my spirit guides, speak for themselves, with or without you taking any part of it. I am just here to guide and to help people who are actually open and willing to get accurate information about Spirits and Keeping, people who are willing to learn all there is to learn, but unfortunately without a trusted source, as we all know that internet is full of fake or misleading ''informational posts'' that lead to nowhere other than entertainment. I am also not here to tell you something New - for I firmly believe any sensible person can feel, at least at times, that there is more to this world than meets the eye. The world does not revolve only around us, and it never will. It does not begin with us nor it ends with us either. We see the endless cycles of life, new lives are born every day while others end. And in my opinion, to deny the presence of forces beyond our understanding, and to reject getting to know what's out there beyond us is to deny the very nature of Existence itself.

Resident Spirits and Spirit Companions are part of this unseen world, just as natural and significant as the physical world we see. So whether you have a strong resident spirit in your home or you've recently adopted a new spirit companion, take some time to honor these connection and try to bond, for you have nothing to lose but so much to gain, if only in Knowledge. Each type of spirit has its own role and energy, abilities to share and help with, if only you'd truly and openly welcome them.

Final Thoughts: How to Work with Spirits in Your Home

Understanding the difference between these two kinds of spirits can help you approach your spiritual work with more clarity and respect. If you feel a strong, immediate presence in your new home, it may be a Resident spirit. These spirits don't need your permission to be there, but most if not all of them respond to respect. Set boundaries if needed, but also acknowledge their connection to the place, and you'll see. They will either leave naturally without the use of force, either become strong allies and friends watching over you, your belongings and your family.

For spirit companions, patience is key. Spend time bonding, inviting them into your space, and allowing them to grow comfortable with you and their new environment. It may take days, weeks or months depending on every individual soul, but the connection you build will totally worth the effort.

In either case remember: 

 These spirits are not here to entertain, frighten you or to make you believe. They exist among us and whether you believe or not makes no difference to any spirit. Acknowledge them with a sense of reverence for something Bigger than yourself and you'll find that both, the energy of your home and life becomes one of balance and harmony, in every aspect.

This is all for today and I hope you've enjoyed reading through this post. I can't wait to share next month's issue which will be just as interesting and informative as this! 

Stay loved and blessed!   Maria - Harmony Collection Boutique 


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