Resident Spirits vs. Poltergeists : Understanding the Difference and How to Handle Each

  Hello again my lovely Harmony Fam! I have, once again selected one of the more common questions that I have received from YOU, and turned it into a new blog issue, on this month of August, in hope to educate as many of you, on this widely misunderstood subject; The Poltergeist Hauntings! So stay tuned and let us dive deeper into it..

When it comes to paranormal phenomena, two terms often pop up in conversations -Resident spirits and Poltergeists. While they may seem similar at first glance-which is why most people get confused when experiencing them, they are distinct entities with different behaviours, characteristics, and ways of interacting with the living. Unfortunately many people including non-experienced mediums use these terms interchangeably due to their lack of knowledge, leading to more misconceptions about what is really happening in their homes or other haunted locations and how to best act to be rid of them. Understanding the key differences between these two types of entities is crucial for anyone mingling with, or interested in the supernatural. 

In this post, we will explore how resident spirits differ from poltergeists, how to identify which one you might be dealing with, and the best ways to handle each.

The Resident Spirit: A Being with Intelligence and Emotion

Resident spirits are what most people think of when they imagine a traditional haunting. These are spirits that linger in a specific place, usually a location they were attached to in life -most commonly their former home. What sets a resident spirit apart is its intelligence and emotional presence which they waste no time in displaying, if you truly pay attention. These spirits remember their lives, recognize objects, and often show behaviours that suggest they are aware of their surroundings and the people within them.

Resident spirits are usually confined to the place they once lived -which is one of the most common reasons why they can often be confused to demonic entities and poltergeists, according to the strength of their character and hauntings. In my experiences as a medium in my active years on the field I have noted a lot of these confusions, which spreads as rapidly as fire, and I have to say, it takes more than guessing, it takes patience and experience to know what you are actually dealing with! When a Resident spirit decides to remain in their former residence, they do it either due to ego, or fear of moving on. And while in their own premises, they draw on all their stagnant energies, energies they left while alive, making their manifestations really powerful within that space. This connection with their former home is what can make a resident spirit even more potent than a poltergeist within those walls!

However, this power is limited to Only their home. Unlike a poltergeist, a resident spirit will not follow you out of the house. Their energy is tied to the place they knew in life, the rooms they walked, the objects they touched, and the walls that held their memories. Like I said, their former home is the source of their powers to manifest, and within their homes they feel safest. My spirit guides often talked about a white gate that appears and disappears in different places, and that will ´suck` in pretty much any spirit that goes near it, especially those without the protection of a vessel, in a resident spirit´s case, their home. So you will never find a resident follows you out, unless it is to actually leave, and for good. So if you encounter a spirit that never leaves its home, no matter how much you move around, you´re likely dealing with a Resident spirit, not a poltergeist.

Building a Relationship with Resident Spirits

One unique aspect of dealing with resident spirits is the possibility of forming a relationship with them. Unlike poltergeists, which require forceful removal, resident spirits can often be reasoned with. Honouring their presence acknowledging their existence, and recognizing their right to remain in the space they once called home, can go a long way in resolving disturbances. Most often their disturbances is their ways to express themselves for many reasons. It can mean they do not like what you have done with their homes, or simply to make themselves known and to eventually make friends with you -you´ll never know!

You can definitely resonate with a resident spirit by offering them respect and perhaps even tangible offerings now and then - a simple gesture to show that you understand and appreciate their place in the home. Communicating with them, either through spoken words, tools or meditative practices, can sometimes result in a peaceful coexistence. In some cases I myself experienced and witnessed, resident spirits may even become allies providing guidance and a high level of protection for our home and people living in it! Many who have successfully bonded with a resident spirit find them to be invaluable companions.

To prevent unwelcome chaos and more disturbances that could result dangerous to you, your family members or your home, I and any genuine medium would advise you, that instead of being demanding them and forcing them to leave your home -consider reaching out with empathy rather than fear. By honouring their presence and showing understanding, you may be able to convince these souls to stop their disruptive behaviour, and even help them find peace and move on entirely after a while.

The Poltergeist : A Mindless Force of Destruction

Poltergeists, on the other hand, are a different kind of entity altogether. While resident spirits are the souls of the Deceased, poltergeists are better understood as manifestations of chaotic energy. They have no mind, no emotions, and no memories. They are not the lingering spirits of people who once lived but rather powerful accumulations of negative energy gathered around our realms, broken into many pieces, and like tornadoes they become disturbances in energy -ever looking to attach themselves to existent life forms for some reason. They can create various physical effects in the environment, which is why they are often associated with noise, strong movement, doors slamming and objects flying across the room and which is why resident spirits can often be taken for a poltergeist. But these entities don`t just haunt homes. They can follow a person from place to place, and manifest wherever that person goes. Whether it`s your home, a hotel, your car, or even a shopping centre, a poltergeist does not care about the location. If it is attached to you, your pets or any member of your family - it will follow, and manifest wherever you go, unlike a resident spirit.

This is a crucial distinction. If you find that the disturbances continue no matter where you go, it`s a strong indication that you`re dealing with a poltergeist and not a resident spirit. The poltergeist`s lack of emotional intelligence also means that its actions, while disruptive, are more Random and Chaotic. It does not communicate nor it understands the meaning and purpose of communication as a resident spirit does -it simply creates havoc.

Dealing with Poltergeists : Force and Rituals

While resident spirits can often be appeased, poltergeists require a different approach. Since these entities lack intelligence and emotional depth, they cannot be reasoned with or befriended. If you are strong minded, and fearless when facing such strong disturbance, my granny Irina -an experienced Witch shared a good way to weaken, delay or if you´re lucky, remove a poltergeist from your home and life, and that is, to be Happy. That is because these spirits gain power through your anger, sadness, fear and arguments in your environment. Since they feed on chaos, if your environment is happy, it will repel them, in time. But as with most people, it is almost impossible to remain calm and happy, fearless in facing such powerful disturbances that often lead to hopelessness and trauma. So the most effective ways to quickly remove a poltergeist is through force -usually through intricate magical rituals designed to weaken them and to ultimately disrupt their energy. They may be trapped by binding, or sent away directly, since they cannot be killed. Professional help may be necessary to fully expel a particularly stubborn poltergeist, so only trust those truly experienced in spiritual practices, and for your safety -do not attempt to do it on your own. Banishing a poltergeist involves complex rituals and the use of different protective symbols, so unless you have powerful Spirit Guides with the necessary knowledge and abilities you can rely on and work together on its removal, my best advise is to seek a genuine medium, or a professional witch. Unlike with resident spirits, there is absolutely no negotiating with a poltergeist. The goal is always to rid yourself of its disruptive energy entirely.

Misconceptions and Misidentifications

One of the most common misconceptions in the paranormal community is the tendency to label any disruptive haunting as a Poltergeist, when the most common haunting experiences actually Come From Resident spirits -in my experience, as well as other genuine mediums I personally know.

However, understanding the behaviour and limitations of Resident spirits versus Poltergeists can help clear up this huge confusion, thus giving most people the Key to handling such experiences -which is what I aim for. So, if a haunting is confined to a single location and seems to involve an intelligent, emotionally aware presence, it is likely a resident spirit. On the other hand if the disturbance follows you around, and it shows no sign of intelligence typical to human and other type of spirits known -you are probably dealing with a poltergeist.

Spreading accurate information about these distinctions is important for anyone experiencing or investigating paranormal activity. By recognizing the differences, we can better understand the nature of these entities and how to deal with them effectively.

In Conclusion:

The world of the supernatural is filled with mysteries, but with careful observation and accurate information and knowledge, even regular people can begin to unravel some of its secrets. Remember, resident spirits are powerful within their own space due to the energy they have accumulated during their lives. They are intelligent, emotional and tied to a specific location. Poltergeists, in contrast, are chaotic, mindless forces that can follow you wherever you go. Knowing these differences can help you determine what kind of entity you are dealing with -and perhaps bring you some peace of mind in the process.

If you are facing with unexplained phenomena, take a moment to observe the behaviour of the disturbance. Understanding the nature of the entity might be the Key to finding a solution. Whether you chose to honour and coexist with a resident spirit, or to fight and expel a poltergeist, knowing what you are up against is the First and most Crucial step to taking control of your space!

I hope you found this article helpful, and as always I will see you in my next month, in my next blog issue!

-and if you haven`t yet, I recommend you Subscribe to my Blog, so that you receive a notification soon as I have shared a new post, this way you won`t be missing any updates -and gain loads of interesting information along the way!

All the best, Maria - Harmony Collection Boutique


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