Communicating with Spirit Companions : A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners and Experienced Keepers

 Hello Again, my Magical beings and welcome to my yet another post!

 For those of you not too familiar with me, I am Maria - a Witch with a long lineage in the Eastern Europe, a Medium and last but not least, an Avid Spirit keeper, much like my Baba, my beloved granny, Irina. 

Maria, the founder, holding her haunted doll
Today I will share some valuable insights into the intricate art of communicating with spirit companions that will hopefully shed some light into one´s path when it comes to adoptions.
Whether you are new to this path or an experienced keeper, understanding how to open your channels and connect with your spirit companions is crucial if you ask me. So let us dive into this fascinating journey through exploring some important elements !

Opening Your Channels

To Effectively communicate with your spirit companions, it is essential to have your channels open. Spirits can always attempt to communicate, but without open channels on our end, their efforts may go unnoticed. It takes two hands to clap, right!

Here is how to open your Channels :

1. Meditation : Engage in any kind of regular meditation to quiet your mind and heighten your sensitivity to spiritual energies. Focus on your breath and visualise the opening of your chakras. Do pay particular attention to your Throat chakra and your Star chakra.

2. Grounding and Centering : Grounding connects you to our Earth realms to all creatures and beings inhabiting it, and it stabilizes your energies into a more compact, unified way, in order to know what is You and what is Not You. Centering helps align your focus to one particular spot or window if you want to call it, making it easier for spirits to reach you. To Ground and Center you need not do much, but find a quiet spot in nature sit and relax. The nature of your mind is such that it will naturally find something to focus on. Once you did that in awareness, continue your focus while your intention changes into inviting Spirit to come through and speak up. There are loads of different ways, find the most suitable, and keep at it, practising on a regular basis of at least once a week for a couple months.

3. Exposure to Spiritual Practices : If you are not up for it, or even against it for some reason, you may ignore this part and know you don´t actually have to, BUT. Participating in rituals, using divination tools and engaging in any form of energy work naturally open your channels over time. Not for nothing that witches get most of Spirit Keeping after adopting a spirit companion, and Real Fast !!

The Role Of Exposure

Being around spirit companions such as haunted dolls or other spiritual entities, helps open up your channels, and this is a fact. However, expecting to See or Hear them without prior exposure, spiritual practices or mediumship experience is Unrealistic. Plain and Simple. Building these otherworldly  connections requires time, exposure and an open mind. I have been more elaborate in my previous post about this, and if you are interested you may get this HERE 

Steps to Increase Exposure:

1. Daily Interaction : Spend regular time with your spirit companion whenever possible. Talk to them, share your thoughts, and involve them in your daily life even when you are limited, it will definitely pay off. This is equally valid when you wish to commune with spirits you don´t have in your keep.

2.Energy Exchange : Offer small gifts or perform elaborate offering rituals with foods, candles and incense to honour them, as you see fit and are guided to. Not for nothing since medieval times up to today, and far as we know, around the world people do offerings to "appease the spirits" ! They can be offered things they like, if you do know what they are, or things that you yourself like if you don´t know. You can never go wrong with stuff you do enjoy yourself, when it comes to spirits. These exchanges of energy along with your pure intentions will be sure to strengthen your bond.

3. Patience and consistency: Be patient and consistent in your efforts, without expecting anything in exchange. Realise that you can barely control yourself or another person, let alone someone you do Not or at least not yet, see and fully know. Spiritual communication often begins subtly and grows only with mutual respect, with time and practice.

Patience and Realistic Expectations

Expecting immediate, clear communication can often lead to disappointment, without even getting to other, more serious things, and this is the Best Case Scenario-as it greatly depends on the type of spirit you are getting, their personality and abilities. Now, as a beginner or even an experienced spirit keeper, you should understand that developing each connection takes time and patience, how much of it? Who´s to say? But know, immediate results are Rare, especially without prior mediumship skills.

Tips for beginners:

1. Observe Subtle Signs : Pay attention to small changes or feelings that may indicate your spirit companion`s presence. Often regular people develop extra sensors with time and exposure to spirit, after adopting a haunted doll or an object. Changes in temperature, breezes of air with no apparent sources, short electronic disturbances, or telepathic insights or what I call - thoughts that aren´t ours.

2. Keep A Journal : Document your experiences, noting any patterns or signs you notice, and when do you notice them. This helps in recognizing the progress, and understanding their communication style, as some prefer telepathy and direct communication, while others are fine with a wide variety of communication tools such as flash lights, bullet lights, emf and so on.

3. Learn And Adapt : Research and learn from your experiences, and learn from other spirit keepers alike. Their experiences can provide valuable insights and methods. I am not saying go around the internet and surf like there is no tomorrow, far from it. Many of the information put out there is incorrect - which is why I have even created this blog. But fellow spirit keepers are a trusted resource of information because they have a valid spiritual connection with their companions, and there is simply no better place to learn from if you ask me.

The Role of a Medium

And I simply had to put this out there, because it so happened that I have experienced it myself and I have had these talks with other born mediums like myself!
As a medium, you have more advanced skills in perceiving and communicating with spirits, that is a Fact. However, even for mediums and super experienced spirit keepers continual practice and openness are vital. Expecting to see or hear spirits instantly without openness and practice is impractical and is just not the way to approach this! You see, when you are ill, upset or angry, you won´t even notice your dog is sitting beside you - explain this to me, how are you going to note a Spirit of all things! When you are wonderful, your channels are and remain open, just as your heart, your emotion , you just love and Include everyone right? Well, when you are Nasty, there is no way your channels remain open! Channels are subtle and above all volatile, without a strong and regular practice you won`t simply be able to open them at will. So be realistic, know your powers and work with them, before expecting anything else because it takes 2 sides, and you should never forget that.

For Mediums and Experienced Keepers

1. Deepening Meditation Practices : Enhance or simply lengthen your meditation and techniques to challenge your abilities and reach deeper states of awareness.

2. Advanced Rituals and Offerings : Perform more complex rituals that resonate with your spirit companions and have them by your side as you meditate. This can deepen your connection and greatly facilitate your channels opening to enhance communication experiences.

3. Engage in Spirit Communication : Don`t forget your communication tools! Use tools like pendulums or dowsing rods, but always ensure you are grounded and protected, by cleansing your tools before and after each session - to avoid interference. Think of your channels as a Spiritual Muscle if you will, and your tools as a supportive or corrective tool. Doing this regularly even when your channels are closed at the moment, say due to a sad recent experience you had, will further help your channels ease and finally open.

To conclude, communicating with spirit companions is a deeply rewarding journey that not many of us have the privilege to. A journey that enhances your spiritual awareness and connection to unseen realms and forms of life. Remember, having open channels is key, and being around your spirit companions helps to gradually open these channels. However, remember that expecting immediate results is unrealistic without prior mediumship skills. It takes time, exposure and a lot of openness to truly connect, and the bonus here is that your sincere efforts to do so will ultimately develop your mediumship in the process!

As a medium, witch, and spirit keeper with a large spirit family - some of which I rehome in Etsy , I encourage you to embrace this journey with respect, patience and an open heart. Every small step you take brings you closer to the profound world of spirits.

This is all for today, Happy Connecting to all!
Warm Blessings, and I will see you all in my next issue! -Maria

Harmony Collection Boutique 


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