
Resident Spirits vs. Poltergeists : Understanding the Difference and How to Handle Each

  Hello again my lovely Harmony Fam! I have, once again selected one of the more common questions that I have received from YOU, and turned it into a new blog issue, on this month of August, in hope to educate as many of you, on this widely misunderstood subject; The Poltergeist Hauntings! So stay tuned and let us dive deeper into it.. When it comes to paranormal phenomena, two terms often pop up in conversations -Resident spirits and Poltergeists. While they may seem similar at first glance-which is why most people get confused when experiencing them, they are distinct entities with different behaviours, characteristics, and ways of interacting with the living. Unfortunately many people including non-experienced mediums use these terms interchangeably due to their lack of knowledge, leading to more misconceptions about what is really happening in their homes or other haunted locations and how to best act to be rid of them. Understanding the key differences between these two types of e

How Spirit Companions and Guides Help Us Overcome Challenges and Manifest Our Dreams

  Life with all its ups and downs, often feels like a complex journey where we constantly seek comfort, guidance and purpose. For many of us this journey is greatly enriched by the presence of spirit companions and guides. While my own life is far from perfect, I can attest that without the aid of my spiritual allies, it would be considerably more challenging. As with many other spirit keepers, the support and protection offered by these beautiful guides is invaluable. In this post I will explore how spirits can help us become more aware of our mistakes, provide comfort and aid us in manifesting the life we are meant to live.                                                 Awareness and Reflection: Learning from Our Mistakes One of the most profound ways spirits are noted to assist us is by helping us become more aware of our mistakes. In my experiences, certain, if not all spirits can often act as mirrors, reflecting back to us the aspects of our lives that require attention. Through

Communicating with Spirit Companions : A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners and Experienced Keepers

 Hello Again, my Magical beings and welcome to my yet another post!  For those of you not too familiar with me, I am Maria - a Witch with a long lineage in the Eastern Europe, a Medium and last but not least, an Avid Spirit keeper, much like my Baba, my beloved granny, Irina.  Today I will share some valuable insights into the intricate art of communicating with spirit companions that will hopefully shed some light into one´s path when it comes to adoptions. Whether you are new to this path or an experienced keeper, understanding how to open your channels and connect with your spirit companions is crucial if you ask me. So let us dive into this fascinating journey through exploring some important elements ! Opening Your Channels To Effectively communicate with your spirit companions, it is essential to have your channels open. Spirits can always attempt to communicate, but without open channels on our end, their efforts may go unnoticed. It takes two hands to clap, right! Here is how t

Embracing Spirit Keeping: The Surprising Benefits Of Adopting Haunted Dolls

 In the recent years, spirit keeping and the adoption of haunted dolls have garnered significant attention among spiritual enthusiasts. This practice involves welcoming spirits into your home through specially crafted vessels, such as dolls. which serves as hosts. This intriguing concept not only offers a unique experience but also brings a host of benefits that can enrich your life in unexpected ways. 1. Enhanced Spiritual Connection Adopting haunted dolls can deepen your connection to the spiritual realm. These dolls often serve as conduits for spirits who are willing to communicate and share their wisdom. Engaging with different entities can also enhance your spiritual awareness, intuition, and provide profound insights into the unseen world. 2. Emotional Healing and Support Many practitioners of spirit keeping find comfort and emotional support from their haunted dolls. Spirits housed within these vessels often possess nurturing and protective qualities, or abilities of their own.

Haunted Dolls in the Media : Facts vs. Fiction - Exploring the Mystique with Harmony Collection Boutique

  Welcome to the Harmony Collection Boutique blog, where we explore the intriguing world of haunted dolls and spirit keeping!  As a Medium, Spirit Keeper, and Spiritual Guide with a lineage of witches in the Eastern Europe, I am passionate about sharing insights into the paranormal and separating fact from fiction. In this post, we delve into the portrayal of haunted dolls in the media, examining their influence on public perception and dispelling myths along the way. History: I am not going back too long ago, however it is good to know spirit vessels, spirit dolls, have been around from Forever! Haunted dolls have captured the imagination for centuries, especially with the more recent stories in our times, such as Robert the Doll and Annabelle becoming legendary tales of the paranormal. These eerie examples set the stage for how haunted dolls are perceived today, blending folklore with real-life experiences of spirit keepers and a new keeper's expectations. From classics like &quo

What You Need To Know Before Buying Your Supernatural Companion

  Are you intrigued by the mysterious allure of haunted dolls?  Before you dive into the realm of the supernatural and add one to your collection, there are several factors to consider From potential risks to authenthicity, here is what you need to know before adopting or purchasing a haunted doll. Research, Research, Research : Before making any purchase, delve into the history and the background of the haunted doll or object you are interested in. Look for documented stories if any, their previous owner´s experiences, and more importantly be fully open and ready for any paranormal activity associated with the haunted object in question. This step will help you make an informed decision and understand what you are getting into. Authenticity Matters : With the rising popularity of haunted objects, there´s an influx of replicas and fake haunted dolls on the market. Beware of market sellers making bold claims without evidence, or online sellers without supporting reviews and a glowing, s

Harmony Collection Boutique Opens New Website

At last I am Happy to announce the launch of our new website, and what better way to start my first post in this blog!!! For those of you new to my blog, new in our loving, beautiful and ever growing  community or Family as we call it, this is Maria, the Owner of  Harmony Collection Boutique and Granny`s Soul Dolls in Etsy. I am re-homing my personal haunted collection for over 3 years in Harmony Collection Boutique, and recently, more precisely a year ago I have opened my second Etsy store, Granny´s Soul Dolls in which I carry my Grandmother Irina`s haunted family. Irina was a Dark Witch most known in the Eastern Europe for her Craft and her spirit dolls, which I inherited after her physical death. I am myself a medium, a White Witch - by choice and not by lineage, and the loving spirit keeper of a Large family of Spirits of all kinds, both inherited and gathered throughout my life. If you`d like to have a look at the beautiful souls I have available for adoption, you may find my Etsy