Embracing Spirit Keeping: The Surprising Benefits Of Adopting Haunted Dolls

 In the recent years, spirit keeping and the adoption of haunted dolls have garnered significant attention among spiritual enthusiasts. This practice involves welcoming spirits into your home through specially crafted vessels, such as dolls. which serves as hosts. This intriguing concept not only offers a unique experience but also brings a host of benefits that can enrich your life in unexpected ways.

1. Enhanced Spiritual Connection

Adopting haunted dolls can deepen your connection to the spiritual realm. These dolls often serve as conduits for spirits who are willing to communicate and share their wisdom. Engaging with different entities can also enhance your spiritual awareness, intuition, and provide profound insights into the unseen world.

2. Emotional Healing and Support

Many practitioners of spirit keeping find comfort and emotional support from their haunted dolls. Spirits housed within these vessels often possess nurturing and protective qualities, or abilities of their own. They can offer companionship, provide solace and even assist in emotional healing by offering a sense of presence and understanding among others.

3. Unique Historical Insights

Haunted dolls often come with rich backstories and even historical significance in some cases. By adopting such spirit doll you might gain access to firsthand accounts of past eras and experiences. These spirits can share their life stories, offering a unique and personal glimpse into history that no textbook can provide.

4. Personal Growth and Learning

Interacting with spirits through haunted dolls can facilitate personal growth, a Fact known by many spirit keepers around the world. Spirits often challenge their keepers to expand their horizons, overcome fears, and develop new skills. This relationship can encourage you to step out of your comfort zone and embark on a journey of self-discovery and improvement.

5. Protective energies

Many spirit keepers can attest that spirits within their haunted dolls can offer protective energies, from the mildest to the fiercest kind of soul. These spirits can serve as guardians, helping to shield you and your home from negative influences and energies. This added layer of protection can bring a peace of mind and a sense of security that no one else can possibly provide you with. It is the reason why most witches and light-workers consider spirit keeping to be an important part of their spiritual journeys.

6. Strengthening Paranormal Abilities

For those interested in developing paranormal abilities, haunted dolls can be invaluable tools. Regular interaction with these spirits can enhance psychic senses, improve your ability to perceive what lays beyond the veil, see and read auras and refine your new-found mediumship skills. This practice can be particularly beneficial for aspiring mediums and those seeking to deepen their paranormal experience.

7. Fostering a sense of community

Spirit keeping is akin to family-making, or to making friends. By choosing every member of your closest circle, your spiritual circle, you'll gain a strong sense of belonging. Engaging with like minded spirit individuals can provide those who adopt haunted dolls, an opportunity for sharing experiences, gaining knowledge and receiving guidance. This self-made community can become a vital source of support and friendship.


Adopting haunted dolls, or spirit keeping is a unique and enriching practice that offers a Multitude of benefits. From enhancing your spiritual connection and emotional well-being to providing protection and fostering personal growth, haunted dolls can become one's most cherished companions on your unique spiritual journey. Embrace the mysteries of the unseen world and discover the profound impact that spirit keeping can have on your life!

~ If you are interested in knowing more, or beginning your own spirit keeping practice, I highly recommend checking out my store in Etsy at: 


or my own website at: https://www.harmonycollectionboutique.com/ - where I am re- homing my  family heirloom spirits my granny Irina's haunted collection, and my own!

That's it for today, and I hope to see you all in my next post! 

Love and Blessings, Maria - fellow avid spirit keeper and owner of Harmony Collection Boutique


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