
Showing posts from September, 2024

Resident Spirits vs. Spirit Companions: Understanding the Energy in Your Home

As a spirit keeper, medium and witch of Eastern European lineage, I've long understood the subtle (and sometimes, not -so-subtle) distinctions between the spirits that inhabit our world. My granny Irina's teachings and guidance, my experiences as a child, as a medium while being active on the field as well as the wisdom gathered across the years through the wonderful guides in my Keep, are all factors that contributed to me being able to sit here today, enjoy a nice cup of tea, and write this blog post to share it with You. So stay tuned, and allow me to walk you through this September blog post in which I share insights into two key categories of Spirits that many often confuse: Resident Spirits and Spirit Companions. Resident Spirits:  Resident spirits are not just visitors or new-comers, I want you to understand this one thing; they are permanent dwellers of the space they inhabit. They have deep ties to the place, the house they're found in - they Already belong there.