
Harmony Collection Boutique Opens New Website

At last I am Happy to announce the launch of our new website, and what better way to start my first post in this blog!!! For those of you new to my blog, new in our loving, beautiful and ever growing  community or Family as we call it, this is Maria, the Owner of  Harmony Collection Boutique and Granny`s Soul Dolls in Etsy. I am re-homing my personal haunted collection for over 3 years in Harmony Collection Boutique, and recently, more precisely a year ago I have opened my second Etsy store, Granny´s Soul Dolls in which I carry my Grandmother Irina`s haunted family. Irina was a Dark Witch most known in the Eastern Europe for her Craft and her spirit dolls, which I inherited after her physical death. I am myself a medium, a White Witch - by choice and not by lineage, and the loving spirit keeper of a Large family of Spirits of all kinds, both inherited and gathered throughout my life. If you`d like to have a look at the beautiful souls I have available for adoption, you may find my Etsy